
Saturday, October 22, 2016

Forest Service Unlawfully Destroys Oregon Trail

The US Forest Service has unlawfully destroyed a significant portion of the historic Oregon Trail.

Obliterated road in Idaho. The Forest Service considers what they did here "restoration". In reality, the Forest Service has created severe hazards to humans and wildlife alike. The purpose of "obliteration" is to deter humans from using roads or trails by rendering them physically impassable. Including foot traffic. Even if that means to wildlife, too.*Photo is indicative of destructive work done to historical trails, but is not necessarily of a particular portion of the Oregon Trail*

Using a process the Forest Service calls "obliteration", they have made the section of trail impassable to all forms of travel and left giant hazards sure to harm several species of wildlife.

The agency digs trenches, places giant boulders and snags, leaves giant mounds and sinkholes to prevent passage of any living creatures,  which is only rivaled by the WWI trenches dug to impede passage along the Western Front.

The end goal of the Forest Service is to deter any usage of a historical trail system which was first surveyed in 1857.

You can read more here:

Also,  Forest Service destroys Trail of Tears:



Local governments considering bringing criminal charges for the unlawful destruction of the Lander Trail by the US Forest Service



  1. Aren't things like the Oregon Trail and those with historical significance protected? I know buildings and battlegrounds are. It sure seems like this should be a violation for destruction of historical significance.

    1. Sounds like this is their "protection." SMH

  2. The ultimate plan of the government, not just the Forest Service, is to limit or deny access to all rural areas. The Forest Service has been trying to close as many, if not all, roads on Forest Sevice land for years.

    1. I guess I was wrong, I thought that the land was the "peoples land" and the Forest Service were the care takers of it which in my mind would be taking care of roads that needed care and repair to make them usable by the people. In stead they will make it so they won't have to work any more and just be there to say "no, no, no! you can look but you mustn't touch."

    2. Yes, they have been obliterating historical trails for close to 30 years that I know of. Then they take the trails off the map. They don't want the forests used by the public!

  3. It's easier to manage land that no one is or can use.

    1. It's easier to manage the people when they are all stuck in the city.

    2. You are exactly right! Keep us all in the cities dependent on the f***ing govt for food and everything.

  4. Another rogue government agency. They have been doing this for years in Wyoming as well.

  5. I will be living in these woods moving around, completely on my own as I plan to in the future​. This is because I was raised in these woods that way. But I do get the frustration!

  6. What Nimrod came up with this smart move? Sounds like those great minds at the Sierra Club. It sounds like their brilliant thinking!

  7. This is insane and it needs to stop. Be sure when you email your congressman, to cc a copy to President Trump. A friend here in Oregon went to her deeded mine and they had done the same thing to the road that she was given permission to use as egress to get there! They're trying to lock us out!

  8. Destroying access means also hindering firefighters access and destroyed firebreaks.Insane and illegal.

  9. In the 40s and 50s the forests in Or did not have locked gates to keep people out. They do today, sad.

  10. If the State of Idaho Forestry Department determines this is illegal they should sue the USFS. Then, Idaho should, in compliance with Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 15 & 16 of the United States Constitution, revitalize their well regulated State Militia and evict all US Government employees from the State. Then they should ask the US Government to force the tyrannical bureaucrat that made the decision to do this pay for the repair out his personal funds including his 401k.

    1. idahos militia is ALIVE AND WELL trust me..

  11. Sounds like they’re all in for Agenda 21.
